It’s been 2yrs that I’ve been toying with the need to get help with social media presence for my business.  I knew what was needed and knew how much it would help legitimise and grow our presence online.  BUT, NDIS is a finicky beast.  The industry is full of misinformation from pockets within all stakeholders, and I am so passionate about how bad that is.  NDIS is an incredible scheme, a world first!  But the participant experiences can be terrible if they are being lead by misinformation.
That’s why I always insisted any word or sentence we put out there, HAD to be accurate, positive, correctly worded, politically correct, in brand, and about 5 other things as you now know.
King Kong charged me a fortune and got it wrong.
A previous staff member worked for me full time and couldn’t get it.
Then recognising I needed to solution still, I reached out to you guys, and found Eliza.
I can’t sufficiently explain how much of an amazing job she has done.
Brief – Zoom call to clarify – a few weeks of work into strategy – and bom, she’s nailed it, like I’d done it myself.
It’s no easy feat. Like I said there’s so much misinformation.  But she immediately understood my brand, my ethos, and gets the industry.
She deserves this praise.  She’s done a great job.  And she will be an absolute asset to growth of our online presence and lead generation.
So got damn excited!

We’d love to catch up to discuss how we can help your business grow.

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